2015 top 10 domain names sales report, Porno.com was the highest sale in 2015
The highest reported domain name sales in top 10 in 2015 :
1. Porno.com $8,888,888 Schwartz 2/4/15
2.tie PX.com $1,000,000 MediaOptions 9/9/15
2.tie 588.com $1,000,000 4.cn 9/23/15
4. 399.com $821,818.88 Schwartz 1/3/16
5. 989.com $818,181.81 Guta 10/28/15
6. 899.com $801,000 Schwartz 9/16/15
7. 345.com $800,000 MostWantedDomains 1/7/15
8. GJ.com $694,095 NameJet 10/7/15
9. NL.com $575,000 Heritage Domains 3/4/15
10. SX.com $555,050 NameJet 8/14/15
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